Искусственный интеллект (AI) сегодня оказывает огромное влияние на нашу жизнь и общество. В начале AI применялся в узком значении - для игр в шахматы или ответов на простые запросы. Однако технология развивается, и сегодня AI уже используется во многих отраслях: от автомобилей без водителя до онкологии. Среди преимуществ AI можно выделить увеличение продуктивности, снижение человеческой ошибки и доступность 24/7. Однако у AI есть и свои недостатки, такие как риск злоупотребления, недостаток прозрачности и возможное увольнение работников. В любом случае, важно помнить, что интеллект создается человеком и, следовательно, он должен служить обществу, а не поработить его.
Intelligence is a multifaceted and elusive concept that has long challenged psychologists, philosophers, and computer scientists. An attempt to capture its essence was made in 1994 by a group of 52 psychologists who signed onto a broad definition published in an editorial about the science of intelligence [Got97]. The consensus group defined intelligence as a very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience. This definition implies that intelligence is not limited to a specific domain or task, but rather encompasses a broad range of cognitive skills and abilities. Building an artificial system that exhibits the kind of general intelligence captured by the 1994 consensus definition is a long-standing and ambitious goal of AI research. In early writings, the founders of the modern discipline of artificial intelligence (AI) research called out sets of aspirational goals for understanding intelligence [MMRS06]. Over decades, AI researchers have pursued principles of intelligence, including generalizable mechanisms for reasoning (e.g., [NSS59], [LBFL93]) and construction of knowledge bases containing large corpora of commonsense knowledge [Len95]. However, many of the more recent successes in AI research can be described as being narrowly focused on well-defined tasks and challenges, such as playing chess or Go, which were mastered by AI systems in 1996 and 2016, respectively.